Friday, June 10, 2011

BLOG 25 pt 2

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog 25

At first I was so excited to go to the Farmers Market. I had passed by so many and never really stopped by any vendors. This time I went I was on a mission to cook a healthy meal. I packed up my son and we were on our way. The traffic there was horrendous, and don’t even get me started on parking. I decided $20 was a fair budged for one meal. It was very hot outside and very crowded. Mostly there were flower vendors. Their flowers were beautiful but extremely overpriced. The produce vendors were very nice and helpful but their products were not in the best condition. There were strawberries that were extremely expensive and mushy!! I finally decided to make a chicken salad because I couldn’t find a way to go wrong. I found lettuce that was nice and it was $3 for a bag! I found delicious ripe tomatoes and but 2 of them ran me almost $4! Finally I had to get the chicken. There weren’t many options for chicken. I found one that was the cleanest looking and so I ordered 2 chicken breasts. My total was $11 for chicken breasts that were smaller than mine! As we were leaving there was a pizza truck that had huge slices for a $1. You could also write on the truck which made it really nice.
Finally after a long day and lots of running around I can home to cook my meal. The chicken was very easy to clean but nothing that was so amazing! The lettuce and the tomatoes I was extra careful to wash. I seasoned my meat and was ready to go. I put the chicken in the oven and baked it because I figured it was the healthiest way. I cut up the lettuce and the tomatoes and was just waiting on the chicken. When it was finally done I was ready to eat. I enjoyed the chicken and the tomatoes. The lettuce however was really nasty.
In conclusion, I will never buy anything from that farmers market again. I did not taste a difference in the food and there was a terrible inconvenience getting there and rushing back to make sure nothing spoiled. I did not enjoy myself or the money that I spent. I would not recommend the farmers market to anyone nor would I ever shop there again. I should have just had the pizza truck for dinner!

Monday, May 23, 2011


In "The New Industrial Migrants" parts one and two Eric Schlosser discusses the turnaround in employment rates. Schlosser bring up that "Instead of a waiting list, the slaughterhouse seemed to acquire a revolving door, as Monfort plowed through new hires to fill the roughly nine hundred jobs."


I think that blogs entries 5, 13, and 24 are really my best work. I feel that with those blogs I was able to connect and was really able to put what I felt into a very nicely structured blog. I feel with these blogs that I was comfortable enough to state what I felt and incorporate my life experiences into my writing. Also, with these blogs I was able to react to something new that I felt and I was very comfortable doing it.

Writing online had been a very new experience for me and was something very hard to get used to. I normally prefer writing everything down on paper and handing it in to the teacher. With this new experience, I had to not only adjust to doing things on the computer in class but also get used to everyone looking at my work. I think that writing blog entries helped my writing a little bit because I was able to structure my writing in a new form. Blog form. I don’t think that this helped my essay writing ability at all because in blog form I feel like I am more writing a journal entry. I do think this excersise has helped and especially noticable with my reflections. I think that when I am writing freely or staing my opinion I somehow find the words I once thought were lost. With that I was able to review and revise my work, which I think helped me improve a lot. Most of my learing in this class was from my revision. When I was able to look back on some of my work and say what was I thinking when I wrote that. By fixing my work I was able to really learn from my mistakes. I think that online work was a shared experience because we were able to look at each other blogs. I did read other students blogs on a regular basis especially their reflections because I was able to see what other students were struggling with and we were able to relate on that. I was also able to look at other students work and see what I liked or what I was able to incorporate into my own wring style. Yes, I do think that students in the class did read my blog. I have had several comments on my blogs and that made me happy. I appreciated that I wasn’t the only one that was peeking in on other peoples blog. This was a very successful learning experience and I definitely took a lot away from this class.

Overall, I think that I learned to write with a lot more confidence. I learned how to incorporate my opinio2n into my writing when it is appropriate to. Most importantly I have learned to come out of my cave. Finishing a full semester was hard but its done! I think that by “coming out of my cave” (my comfort zone) and sticking it out until the end I have changed for the better as a person. I don’t feel that there was anything that we didn’t get to get to. I would have preferred to have gotten feed back after each blog entry this way I could know what to do better for the next one as oppose to get feed back after every 4-10 blog entries. I feel this way because for me I learn from trial and error. I do feel very confident that I have a basic understanding of my writing strategies because I have learned to summarize and respond. I also think that I am ready for English 101. My most memorable assignment was the Allegory of the Cave. I think that this symbolic message will be something that I already have incorporated into my life and something that I will used in the future. I see myself telling people now - “Hey, come out of your cave already!” I would recommend that student that plans to take this class next semester to RUNNN!!!!! - im just joking! Dr. X (Chille Pepper) is very patient and understanding. She loves what she does and is always willing to help. You are very lucky that you have a professor like this. Take advantage of this and pay attention there is a lot to learn and she is willing to take the time out and teach it to you. As much effort as you put into this is as much as you are going to get out of it!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

BLOG #23

Blog 23: Expanding on one topic in Sleep Dealer
Choose ONE of the questions discussed in class (it does not have to be the one assigned to your group)read everyone's answers. Write Blog 23, discussing the topic of your choice. Try to incorporate the ideas from group members into your entry. Acknowledge who had the idea by using the following format: "As Y explains...."

In Sleep Dealers the movie Memo, a Mexican very interested in technology, dreams of living the American Dream. According to Elliot “his brother thought of this the American dream as being funny.” In the movie Memo's father has a very carefree feeling towards the American dream and seems very content doing what he is doing. On TV in Mexico, the dream is breathtaking. The war was broadcasted on TV and the fighter pilots had crowds cheering for them. According to Elliot Rudy's role as a drone “pilot” is “to kill off any threats of single that were pick up”. At the end of the film, as Jorge says, “Rudy’s role is to destroy the river dam and restore the river water to the villagers.”

BLOG #22

Planned Obsolescence – Something that is built with only temporary use. This is something that is built and will force you to replace/upgrade it!Something that is made with the intention of not lasting long like water bottles and disposable cameras.

Perceived obsolescence- This is something that is made with good enough quality but is not the most modern design which makes it no longer good. The quality may still be great but the style is out dated. EX; TVs, Cell Phones, Cameras ect.

I think that corporations benefit from planned and perceived obsolescence because us as the consumer are always looking for where to spend our next hard earned dollar. From planned obsolescence the products will not last because they were made for temporary use and with perceived obsolescence it is no longer in style so people who care will buy newer products. I think that the only way that the consumer benefits is because with perceived obsolescence consumers are constantly offered the option to purchase the newest technology and depending on what you do this might be a big advantage. If you are a DJ and Apple iPOD has a new 500gig iPOD this will make work more convenient for you because you have lees to carry. Even though the consumer has to purchase this this will benefit him for the temporary use of the new product.

Everyone in the universe is suffering from planned and perceived obsolescence. The entire chain of producer to consumer is suffering and most commonly with their health. As Story of Stuff says . .working with toxens and releasing them . .From these harsh conditions people are forced to live with we are all suffering as a universe.

I do not believe that these strategies are necessary. However, we are not educated enough about these issues to make a change. In class we say a video similar to Story of Stuff and I was informed about the issues with water bottles. By making a change and either refilling my current water bottle or buying a canteen, I am able to minimize pollution not only in my home, but in the homes of others. I believe that if people cared more about their environment more they would make themselves more aware of the issues at hand and try to do what they can.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog #20

To me the Food Unit connects to Allegory of The Cave because we need to come out of “our cave” and see where the food we eat comes from. By educating ourselves we are able to make healthier eating choices. I think when we look at our regular diets – most of us think it’s not too bad. When we start dissected our daily meals, something as simple as breakfast, can be shocking. I normally have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, which I thought was healthy. In the Food Unit Dr. X showed us what is actually in our milk. I was so disgusted! How could something so simple as milk be so processed and have so many terrible things, like antibiotics added? Since that lesson, I have purchased nothing but organic milk. I haven’t even felt the difference in my pocket.

Another lesson we had Dr. X gave us a handout with tips on eating better from Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”. This handout provided tips that included my favorite – “Don’t eat anything incapable of rotting.” This was advice that I could use in my everyday life. It might be a slightly difficult change but I am confident that I will be happier with the results in my healthier lifestyle. It is so pathetic that there must be a defense for food. We have become a very lazy Fast Food nation and we have lost sight of the effects that these quick & cheap meal on our bodies.

I think that I have improved dramatically. I am really proud of all of my progress. When I first started this class and heard that I had to write a 400 word blog I started to panic. Now I am confident enough that small responses will make 400 words easily. Although I have not had a chance to work on my vocabulary page I think that Dr. X has gone over majority of the list. Most of them were not only defined but used in class and have become part of our normal vocabulary and usage. As of right now, I am not sure what more I need to move ahead. I’m sure that I have a lot more to learn. In CAT-W #3 I took a new approach and tried to focus on adding lots of personal experiences, quotes, and examples. I yet to see my grade, but from the e-mail Dr. X wrote me I think that I might have done better than before. By practicing my approaches I was able to see which one worked best for me and that corresponded with the test requirements. Hopefully 3rd times a charmer!

Blog #20

To me the Food Unit connects to Allegory of The Cave because we need to come out of “our cave” and see where the food we eat comes from. By educating ourselves we are able to make healthier eating choices. I think when we look at our regular diets – most of us think it’s not too bad. When we start dissected our daily meals, something as simple as breakfast, can be shocking. I normally have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, which I thought was healthy. In the Food Unit Dr. X showed us what is actually in our milk. I was so disgusted! How could something so simple as milk be so processed and have so many terrible things, like antibiotics added? Since that lesson, I have purchased nothing but organic milk. I haven’t even felt the difference in my pocket.

Another lesson we had Dr. X gave us a handout with tips on eating better from Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”. This handout provided tips that included my favorite – “Don’t eat anything incapable of rotting.” This was advice that I could use in my everyday life. It might be a slightly difficult change but I am confident that I will be happier with the results in my healthier lifestyle. It is so pathetic that there must be a defense for food. We have become a very lazy Fast Food nation and we have lost sight of the effects that these quick & cheap meal on our bodies.

I think that I have improved dramatically. I am really proud of all of my progress. When I first started this class and heard that I had to write a 400 word blog I started to panic. Now I am confident enough that small responses will make 400 words easily. Although I have not had a chance to work on my vocabulary page I think that Dr. X has gone over majority of the list. Most of them were not only defined but used in class and have become part of our normal vocabulary and usage. As of right now, I am not sure what more I need to move ahead. I’m sure that I have a lot more to learn. In CAT-W #3 I took a new approach and tried to focus on adding lots of personal experiences, quotes, and examples. I yet to see my grade, but from the e-mail Dr. X wrote me I think that I might have done better than before. By practicing my approaches I was able to see which one worked best for me and that corresponded with the test requirements. Hopefully 3rd times a charmer!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


In Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”, the author composed a list of tips to eating healthier. One of the author’s suggestions is “don’t eat anything that is incapable of rotting”. From this I automatically thought of an assignment recently done in class in which we watch an experiment done on McDonald’s french fries. In this experiment the french fries were put into a jar and after 10 weeks they didn’t even have mold on them. Michael Pollan’s advice makes a lot of sense to me and is something that I can put into full effect immediately!

Another piece of advice Pollan has was to “pay more, eat less”. Unfortunately this is not something that is reasonable for someone who is on a fixed income. When you break down to the cost a full home cooked meal and include the preparation and cleaning time it does not balance out to a quick heart $9 meal that usually has leftovers with no prep or cleaning time.

If possible I would have love to have my own garden. I think that gardening is a beneficial and relaxing hobby. It is beneficial because you can go into your own garden and get tomatoes with no pesticides that you grew yourself. I hope that one day in the future when I buy a house, that I would plant my own garden.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


In “The End of Overeating” by David A. Kessler, Elizabeth Kolbert reports Kessler’s experiences with processed food. Kessler write about Kessler’s experience as a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and the experiences that he has endured. Kessler explains that “much of processed food is being reengineered to create addiction.” This is a very powerful statement – especially knowing that it is true. In most cases food scientists add sugar, salt, and fat to our foods to make them more addicting – to which Kessler has invented his own term as “conditioned hypereating”. After reading Kolberts piece I was angry but then happy to find out that “processed food is being re engineered to create addiction.”
I was angry to find out that fast food companies are PURPOSELY adding products like fat, sugar, and salt to make out bodies become dependent on their products. How could a company who “cares” about their consumer poison us at the same time? In a movie I recently saw, Super Size Me, Morgan goes on a 30 day McDonald's only binge. Morgan gets addicted to the products in the food and after 10 days or so, he beings to suffer from depression from the chemical imbalance. My friend Jane is one of the poor people who have fallen into this addiction. She is extremely obese and unhealthy over all. Her diet consists of primarily fast food. Although, this is not the right way of life Jane has no other options. She is a single mother who is always on the run and has no time to prepare her own food. She has fallen for the convenience and McDonald's got her hooked.
I was happy to be enlightened once I finished reading the article. I was not aware of the secret additives in this food we find so easy and convenient. I am happy that I now have the knowledge to make healthier decisions. I will educate others on what I have learned. I have shown the movie Super Size me to many people because knowledge is power. I will definitely think twice before I pick a quick McDouble again!
Kessler recites “Conditioned hypereating works in the same way as other ‘stimulated response’ disorders in which reward is involved, such as compulsive gambling and substance abuse”. To which Kolbert white that “the analogy is not merely rhetorical: research on rats, he (Kessler) maintains, proves that the animals’ brain react to sweet, fatty food the same way that addicts’ respond to cocaine.” If this is the case and we are now aware of it, why not take the effort out to continue to educate ourselves. A healthy diet is just a local farmer market away. And on the bright side, we won’t be like rats addicted to cocaine!

BLOG # 16 - CAT #2

In the excerpt “Imitation of Film: Here’s Smoking at You, Kid”, Nicholas Balakar expresses the concern with the habit of smoking in young children ages 10-14. Balakar gives detailed results of a study done by Dr. Sargent which showed that children that were exposed to R-rated films were more than 2 ½ times more likely to start smoking than the kids who had less exposure to these movies. Underage smoking had been a great concern to many people, especially parents, in the United States. Many children follow by example and results from studies like these prove it. I agree with Balakar that children are being overly exposed to smoking because of the collusions drawn from studies like this and from my personal experience.
In the study recently done at Dartmouth Medical school, (lead by) Dr. James D. Sargent, interviewed 6,522 kids ages 10-14 from across the nation about the movies they have watched. The studies revealed that thirty eight percent of children who start smoking did so to imitate movies that they have viewed. Unfortunately, children are very naïve and therefore they do not fully understand the health risks associated with smoking. They do as they see fit and for most children being “cool” is very important. Being cool is so important that these children are willing to start smoking because all of cool “movie stars” do it.
Unfortunately, I was one of these children. I began to smoke when I was 12 years old. I was the “coolest kid ever” (or at least I thought). I was able to make smoke rings, while all of the other kids were still coughing from their first pull. I was doing things exactly what my idols did. Things became serious when realized I had become addicted when I started to crave cigarettes on a regular basis. Fortunately, I was able to quit without any serious consequences besides yellow teeth. I wish my idols would have warned me about that!
In conclusion, Balakar wrote that “Dr. Sargent acknowledged that the study’s results pertained only to the youngest adolescences and that the report did not preclude the possibility that smoking began before the children saw these movies.” This is a very serious issue and something needs to be done about it. Parents need to step in and guide their children in the right direction and educate their children about the risks of smoking while also monitoring what their children watch. As a parent I can only protect my son from R-rated movies for so long. Most importantly I must give him the guidance to make the right decisions in life. If only the thirty eight percent of children had the proper parenting maybe they wouldn’t smoke.

Monday, April 25, 2011

BLOG #15

In the Meatrix, Leo a poor pig on a farm is contacted by Moopheous. Moopheous offers him a choice between the red pill to see the truth or a blue pill to stay the way he is. Leo chooses the red pill and finds himself in a pig caging area. Moopheous describes the harsh living conditions that the pigs are livings in. He describes the overcrowding to have more pigs and that the pigs are fed antibiotics to avoid being sick from these overcrowded area. Moopheous also tell Leo about the massive pollution being produced by these factory farms. Leo then asks Moopheous how they are going to stop this. To which Moopheous replies “We are going to spread the word. But it’s up to you, the consumer who has the real power.”

In The Meatrix: Revolting Moopheous, Chikity, and Leo visit a factory farm where Leo is able to learn more about the harsh living conditions on the factory farm. At first, Leo thinks the farm looks great with a beautiful farmer girl milking a cow joyfully. Then Moopheous gives Leo glasses and tells him to “look through the eyes of the Meatrix.” Leo then sees the reality of the factory farms and see that the beautiful smiling farmer girl really was a machine pumping the milk out of these poor cows. While on the so called farm Leo also learns about the cows difficult living conditions. They are very similar to the pigs, however, the cows still get sick despite their daily antibiotic. The cow’s tails are also cut off. The calfs are fed waste of dead cows and this is how mad cow disease is unknowingly spread. The agents of Agri-Corp are introduced and are trying to inject Chikity, Leo, and Moopheous with rGBH a growth hormone. Leo fights them off. Despite his best efforts Moopheous is captured. He yells for Leo to “Forget about me. Stop the farming factories.”

In The Meatrix 2 ½ Chikity and Leo try to save Moopheous who has been captured by the Agri-Copr agents and has been taken to a Happy Farms factory that packages the (cow) meat. Moopheous is tied up as the agent tells him that more that the factory can process 5,000 cows in a single day just to feed out “fast food nation”.

Moopheous is exposed to the dangerous and unsanitary factory working conditions and even watches a man loose a finger as due to unnecessary speed just to make a bigger profit. When Chickity and Leo get inside the agent speeds up the line to max capacity and drop Moopheous out of the trap door and onto a line to be chopped up. Fortunately, Chikity is able to slow down the line and Moopheous is able to free himself just in time. The 3 heroes are able to get away!

Since 1946 Industrial farms have been mixing antibiotics into their their livestock feeds. This was done as a preventative for the sickness the animal developed. According to a study was done that revealed that animals that were fed antibiotics on a routine basis, “cause animals to grow faster and put on weight more efficiently, increasing meat producers' profits.” Animals on industrial farms are getting sicker and the bacteria is able to spread faster due to the harsh living conditions and over crowding. Feeding animals on industrial farms antibiotics wrong because it is selfish and cruel.

It is a selfish descision to give animals antiobiotics because of the potential negative effects it can have on the consumer and most importantly the animal. Industrial farms were built to be money making “animal factories”. The big companies make these farms so that they can profit, and they don’t care who or what gets hurt in the process. The living conditions for these animals are very harsh. Complaints range from, not having enough room to turn around to (most importantly) lack of sanitation. Due to the lack of care, bactiral infections spread very quickly.
Unknowingly, the farmers kill the animal, and the sick animal then spreads that same disease to the consumer. Most CEOs and company excutives are aware of these issues however they just consider them “casualties of war”. The consumer then devlopes an antibiotic resistance and are then much more prone to bacterial infection.

Besides the unfair treatment animals get on industrial farms, feeding them antibiotics are cruel. They are being neglected and not givien the approrite treatment and therefore they require them. According to “The issues: Antibiotics”, “one out of six cases of campylobacter infection, (the most common case of bacterial food posioning), is resistant to the antibiotic most often uses to treat severe food poisoning.” The animals also begin to develop antibiotic resitance therefore causing death.

There is however, a soulution. As the reading says puchasing eggs, meat, and milk from sustainable farms, we not only protect ourselves from the antibiotic frenzy but we give the big industrial farmer a big “middle finger.” Once they feel that wrath of loosing their consumer, they will be left with nothing but to reevalute their stomping grounds. They will be forced to shut down leaving the smaller yet much better quality sustainable farmer to be the ones to buy from. We are the ones that hold the power. Its up to us to advocate on our own behalf. We start right now!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog #14

BLOG #14
In Media Unit Blogs 11-13 I have been able to see my improvement in writing. I used to have problem developing my ideas, and still do, but I have been getting significantly better. I feel i have been able to definitely pick out the main point of the text and I think that I have become a stronger and better writer. What I think I still have a problem with is connecting the text to my own life. I know the truth doesn’t matter so I usually make up some nonsense just to be a way to connect. I really do enjoy this class and I think that I have become a better writer from it.
In Blog #11 we were asked to write about and experience that we or someone we knew went against the rules. My mind was instantly connected with a love story that came to mind and I was able to get the story into word in no time. I have such a comfortable flow – it was so natural. Beside some usual proof reading and some spelling corrections Blog 11 came into play with ease.
However, no matter how hard I tried Blog #12 is still blank. I feel like I have no connection and as I sat struggling for hours trying to figure out what to write. There was still nothing. This was a part of the class I couldn’t enjoy. I felt that it was so unpleasant. I didn’t see it as a challenge but more of a big blank. :/
Blog #13 was very pleasant and easy for me too flow also. It was a revision of my CATW #1. I re-read and was able to re-write what I had mistake with. I feel that I do better with constructive criticism and I was able to develop my ideas from the notes that Dr. X put on the side of my work.
In CAT-W #2 I think that I did a lot better than CAT #1 because I wrote with much more confidence and I was able to connect to my personal life. We were asked to write about kids smoking because they thought it was cool because they saw their favorite movie stars do it. I was able to connect this to my personal life because I also began smoking at a very young age and therefore it was an automatic idea filler. I was able to develop my ideas much better that I did in CAT-W #1.
Although I haven’t really worked too much on my vocabulary page, I have become more familiar with the definition and the usage of the words. Words like allegory, dystopia, and even paragraph have a new meaning to me and I am much clearer. These words have become a regular part of my vocabulary and have been used very often in class.
Overall I think that the Media Unit portion of this class was very successful and that I have grown as a writer. I don’t think I have reached my goal in becoming a better writer just yet but we do still have 12 more classes left! I am confident that with the help of Dr. X of some more hard work I will be able to pass the “real” CAT-W and be just fine in 101.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BLOG #13 - Revision of CAT-W

In “The Dangers of Reality TV” Timothy Sexton express his concern with what is called “Reality TV”. The author describes the change it what is called reality TV and how it has been manipulated. He describes that “Among the dangerous messages that reality TV sends out are the importance of competition, the value of image over ability, and the obsolescence of education”. Sexton mentions that people are not given a fair shot because of their skill anymore. Judgment is based on what is more marketable like on American Idol. I agree with Sexton that “reality” TV is stupid and not motivational.
I think that “Reality” TV is stupid because “reality” has become Jersey Shore & Desperate Housewives. The programming that is on TV now has become garbage. We have “reality” as housemate living together, washing laundry, tanning, and “smooshing”. What do we learn from that? NOTHING! This is truly stupidity at its finest. We sit around for one hour per week to see the “Snookie Bump”. When you break it down, its 42 minutes of programming and 18 minutes of advertising. At the end of it all we have learned nothing but how to “fist pump”.
I think reality TV has became very not motivational because it shows that we no longer win because we are the best at what we do, but that we are the best at making people think that we are. As Sexton mentions in the text mentions, there was many issues on the popular show American Idol. Contestants compete for their chance at a record deal. Towards the finally America is responsible for the voting and are able to choose the best qualified contestant to win. With the judges opinions the voters usually choose the most marketable contestant and that is qualified. But the qualifications aren’t only having a good voice, they require you to have what they call, the “X” factor. In my experience of pursuing my dancing career, I have known that it’s not just talent it is how you carry yourself. When I have been in many competitions I realized that I might be better at that dance and yet I came in second place because of my opponents better looks. Why would I want to succeed if at the end of the day no matter how great I am at dancing my better looking opponents will always win? Without saying I am no longer dancing!
In conclusion, I think that reality TV has made all of their viewers more superficial and naïve. The only easy to deal with this is to put the remote down and pick up a book. We need to get reacquainted with what “reality” really is now because as Sexton said “why go to school and gave the difficulties of learning something when ou van just get in Fear Factor, eat bugs, and walk away with a bucket of money?”

Monday, April 4, 2011

BLOG #11

People do some crazy things for LOVE. When I was in high school I had my “first love”. I would do anything to be with him including sneak out of my house at night. I had curfew and had to be home at 10P.M. every night. One night, because my parents didn’t approve of my boyfriend, I decided to run away. I didn’t care what the rules were. I just wanted to be with the one that I LOVED! I ran away to his house and stayed there for 3 days. My parents were worried sick. All I could keep thinking of was how to make money and start a new life together with my love. I had $153 dollars and according to my calculations it would hold us down for about 3 years! After about 3 days, we got so sick of each other and I needed my space. I decided to go back home. When I got home, I found my mother worried sick. You could tell she hadn’t eaten anything, hadn’t gotten any sleep, and was crying. I felt so terrible. How could I hurt someone I loved so much over something so silly? I later found out that my love also had many other loves. I felt used and abused! I disobeyed my mother unconditional love and ran away to someone who was only right for the moment. I’m happy that I ran away with my love because that was an experience that will last a lifetime. He will always be my “first love”.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog #10

I think that in terms of writing skills I have learned many things in a very short period of time. I leaned about annotating, summarizing, thesis-based writing, and paragraphing. I was taught about these things before but I never cared enough to pay attention.

I feel that I have proven what I have learned was all the blog I have written. They may not be fabulous but they are mine!

The only material that still confuses me and that I am unclear of is annotating. I never liked it and I never felt comfortable doing it. I wind up feeling I have highlighted too much or too little. For me it is easier to read the questions, then read the paragraph, and finally read the questions again. It has been my method since I could remember and it has been working for me.

I feel a little bit more confident in my writing skills since we have started class. I know that we still have 18 classes to go and I know that in that time, I will look forward to growing and developing much more as a writer.

You should know that I really appreciate your patience. I really feel like you genuinely care for each student individually. You try to make writing as exciting as it can possibly be. You make me want to do better for myself!

Blog #9

• What have you learned from the paragraphing class?
• How do you know that you have learned it?
• Can you describe how you learned it?
• What helped your learning? What made it difficult?
• How do you feel after today's class?

Today in class I learned about paragraphing. This is something I am already somewhat familiar with. I know that I have learned it in the past because when I write I try to make paragraphs. I really did not learn anything new. After today’s class I feel like I have a better understanding of paragraphing. I feel like I have been refreshed with it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #8

In “I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” Jeffrey Kluger describes the ongoing battle in Manhattan over the proposed Islamic cultural center. He also describes a study done at Ohio State University which assistant Prof. Garret and assistant Prof. Nisbet recruited 750 people who were familiar with and believing at least one of the rumors about the Islamic cultural center. In the study conducted professors found that it was very easy to manipulate people’s beliefs with pictures hinting “inflammatory quotes”. The professors found that fewer than one third of the people were willing to change their opinion no matter what proof they were given. Many people in the US get their information from the media. The media is not always given the correct information and therefore they are not always able to provide the correct or true information. People take this information in and are able to develop their own biased opinions based on the information given. Kluger finishes his article by stating “We may not always agree on what facts mean, but at a minimum we need to agree that they mean more than fantasy." I agree with Kluger that people can easily change their minds because people are naive and scared.
People are naive in the sense that their opinion can be manipulated easily. The study done at Ohio State University proves that people are not ready for change or the consequences that they will have to deal with once that change has taken over. The Participants of the study were so stubborn that no matter what evidence was put in front of them less than 1/3 of the participants were willing to change their opinions. Normally, if someone shows you that their folder is purple and they take out their folder and its purple you usually tend to believe them and not question its purple-ness anymore.
People change their mind when they are scared because it is easier to go with the crowd and have their support and feel safe than against the crowd and be alone and vonurable. People enjoy having the support of others to make them feel stronger and that is why there are many followers and very few leaders. In the article more than 2/3rd of the participants of the study stayed with their beliefs and were oblivious to the proof that they saw right in front of them. In many situations I have dealt with the same situation and so have many of you reading this. There comes a point in time when we just want to fit in and be part of the crowd. That is when we start listening to a special genre of music, dressing differently, and even acting differently. Until we are finally comfortable with ourselves we will stop needed to feel the need to fit in. I felt empowered by being able to make my own decision and not be influenced by others.
In conclusion, people should learn to have an open mind. Not always are things as they seem and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Peoples opinions change and there is nothing wrong with that all. As people are given more information they are able to either agree or disagree with their previous/current opinion. We should all open our minds a little bit more and maybe, just maybe one day there will be no need for a battle in Manhattan.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog #7

Today in class we learned about thesis based writing. This is something that I am somewhat familiar with. Thesis based writing is something that I enjoy. Dr. X taught us the difference between a claim and an argument. A claim is an argument that you have to prove, and a thesis statement is a statement that includes your claim, topic, and a list of reasons. Although we do not have to write thesis based writing for the CAT, this is something that we will have to use in the near future in English 101. I enjoyed having a little peek of what awaits us in the future. I am glad that I will be more prepared for English 101. Although thesis based writing is something I am somewhat familiar with. I was very happy to be refeshed with it.

Blog #6.

Tooth Fairy. I used to think that Tooth Fairy was real. One night after my tooth had fallen out I caught my mother taking my tooth with $5 in her hand. It was a terrifying experience because that meant that the tooth fairy didn’t exist. She tried to say that she was a messenger but i knew that it was all LIES!!!.

The STORK! – I used to think the stork was real. However, I always had questions. If the stork is real then what is the point of having sex?? What does it mean to be pregnant?? Why were women pregnant?? No one ever answered my questions. One day I saw a baby story and that cleared almost everything up!!

Magicians – I use to think that magicians were real. This is until I saw a special that broke down very popular magic tricks. It was a big show on FOX 5. I was so disappointed when I found out that the hand is quick than the eye.

Clowns – I used to think that clowns were a separate race of peopele who were very rare. I was at a bithday party and I walking in on the clown getting dressed in his costume and putting on make up in the mirror.

Cooties – I was told that if you kissed a boy you will get cooties. I always believed it until I kissed the opposite sex. I dont have cooties!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog #5

In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain the importance of exploring your boundaries. Plato starts his piece by describing a conversation between Socrates and his student Glaucon. Socrates gives a very descriptive setting of men in a cave who are chained and have no way of turning their necks to look around all they can see is what is in front of them. Their only means of light is fire in front of them that reflects shadows on an overpass in front of them. There only means of communication is by observing what they see on the over pass above their head. One day one of the prisoners were released out of the cave, he was still sore from being chained, and the brightness of the outside world hurts his eyes. His eyes adjusted to the light and so he was able to see all things beautiful including the sun. The prisoner then starts thinking abot the "prison-house" mates and what their reaction would be if he told them what was out there. He comes to the conclusion that they would never understand what they have not experienced and that he would be punished for showing them such a thing. Plato finishes his story with Socrates explaining to Glaucon that this was not a real story but merely an allegory to teach him to open his eyes and be open to experience all different things in life.
What I interpreted from Plato was that this story symbolizes the reality that new experiences are not wrong they are just new. The prisoners in the story who are chained only know life this one way. And, like many people, our families expect us to continue in their foot steps and look "straight ahead". By coming to college it may not be a pleasant or easy experience but it is an experience. Like the prisoner, I have been exposed to all things beautiful. By being in school, I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and slowly "my eyes have adjusted" to world around me. I have been exposed to a different lifestyle and people that look and feel different. I dont want to go back to living life "in the cave". I know that by getting an education my family will think I am crazy but I must break this chain! As a MOTHER, I want whats best for my CHILD. I can not expect him to try and go outside of his comfort zone if I, myself will not.
Just like the in the story, when I tell my family about my experiences "outside" (in school) they think I am crazy. (Sometimes, I think I am too.) But we need to stop being scared of what is different and learn to embrace it like the prisoner. We, like the prisoner never knew that there was another side. Now that we do know, we have chance to explore it and all things beautiful. I have a chance to "look at the sun" - and my eyes ARE WIDE OPEN!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog #4

In the excerpt "Hype" by Kalle Lasn from Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture the author describes how advertising is one thing you just can’t get away from. It describes the "mental pollution" we encounter on a daily basis. In the beginning, the excerpt brings up that everyday there are more than 200,000 TV commercials being “dumped” into North America’s brains. The excerpt mentions that there are ads everywhere we turn from buses to gas nozzles. We are being brain washed on a daily basis and most of us are not even aware of it. Our minds are like sponges and we absorb everything like BOUNTY (the quilted quicker picker upper). We can’t get away from ads no matter how hard we try. Anything with a catchy jingle or name and nicely advertised we are stuck to believe is the best. There is no way to avoid these advertisements. The author finishes the piece by saying “There is nowhere to run. No one is exempt and no one will be spared”.
In the article Lasn describes advertising as something we just can’t get away from. We are being over exposeded to adveritising. As I sit in front of the computer right now trying to decide what to type I take a look around. I see the DELL logo, Windows VISTA, and Intel ads right in front of me. As I read the excerpt all I could think about was "Frank's RED HOT, I put that sh** on everything". People are being brainwashed by ads in a way that is so amazing! Even people who do not watch TV or listen to radio are still exposed to advertisements.
From a marketing point of view, I can understand that companies are just trying to expose the consumer to their product. The bigger the better! The best way they can do this now is to have a interactive video screen put on shopping carts so that you can see ads even while you shop. It is getting harder and harder to get money from the consumer and companies are growing desperate. The are willing to do whatever it takes for you to choose their products. But enough is enough!
I definitely agree with the author that there are ads everywhere. On a regular day North American’s are exposed to an estimated 3 million display ads. I think that is about 2,999,999 ads too many for the day. Our minds have grown to associate products with their ads. We see the golden arches and we know a McDonald's is close. We are no longer buying for the products for which is best, but for which is better known. Hopefully, one day soon there will be a way to filter and limit how much advertising we actually encounter on a regular basis. Until then, ads ads ads!

Blog #3

Today in class I learned about summarizing. What I took from summarizing was a very important formula that I will to use on the CAT test . . . In ["name of article"], [author] states/explains/expressed/disputes [state that main point of thr article]. This was a very helpful formula that I look forward to using.

I know that I learned this because I wrote it down in my note book and have been trying to use this in my writting. I think that this makes a great opening line. Dr. X was very helpful with her "yellow guide" and I was able to choose proper wording for what I needed to express and write.

Dr. X taught us about this "formula" on the blackboard. I then copied it down into my notebook and have been incorporating it into my summaries.

What helped me learn today was Dr. X teaching apporach. She has a very easy was of explaining herself and is willing to repeat heself if necessary. She is very helpful and patients which you don’t see in preofessors this day in age. She ever provided us with a yellow hand out refrence guide that is very helpful.

After todays class I feel like - "I can do this school thing!". I feel much more confident about writting a good summary and I feel much more prepared for the CAT test. I think that this new approach of writing a summary is not only a sure shot for passing my CAT test but this has also prepared me for ENG101.

Blue highlighting is from Dr. X - Class on 3/14/2011.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog #2

From this class I learned about annotations and how it will help me prepare for my CAT test. I learned that I can pick and choose key points that I would like to elaborate on and incorporate into my writing by highlighting and underlining. I also learned new techniques to annotate my work. I especially enjoyed when all the students were able to discuss what they thought and felt were important key points in the reading and what they "underlined". I think annotating will make me a better writer because I will now look for key points. I think once I have those key points I will be able to develop my ideas.

I agree that Google is making us stupid because we are no longer thinking for ourselves. We don't even have to read through a whole article with the CTRL + F function. I personally don't even remember when the last time I used and encyclopedia was!?!?

What I got from annotating "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" was that I was able to pick things that I thought was important to me. One quote that I really like was "The fact is, you'll never think deeply if you're always Googling, texting, and surfing." I agree with this statement because I am a Blackberry junkie and my phone never leaves my side. Even when I am work I am constantly looking out for my flashing red notification light.

By exchanging annotations with my partner I was reassured that I was picking the correct key ideas. I think it was beneficial experience because I was able to meet other classmates and express common concerns.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog #1

In the excerpt "Hype" from Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture the author describe how advertising is one thing you just cant get away from. It describes the "mental pollution" that we encounter on a daily basis. The excerpt mentions that there are ads every where we turn from city buses to gas nozzles. I definitely agree with that. There are ads everywhere! As I sit in front of the computer right now trying to decide what to type I take a look around. I see the DELL logo, Windows VISTA, and Intel ads right in frond of me. As I read the excerpt all I could think about was "Frank's RED HOT, I put that sh** on everything". We are being brain washed on a daily basis and most of us are not even conscious of it. Our minds are like sponges and we absorb everything like BOUNTY (the quilted quicker picker upper). We cant get away from ads no matter how hard we try. Anything with a catchy jingle or name and nicely advertised we are stuck to believe is the best. There is no way to avoid these advertisements.

From a marketing point of view, I can understand that companies are just trying to expose the consumer to their product. It is getting harder and harder to to get money from the consumer and companies are growing desperate. Companies are advertising by paying celebrities using and wear their product in hopes of being seen.