Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog #2

From this class I learned about annotations and how it will help me prepare for my CAT test. I learned that I can pick and choose key points that I would like to elaborate on and incorporate into my writing by highlighting and underlining. I also learned new techniques to annotate my work. I especially enjoyed when all the students were able to discuss what they thought and felt were important key points in the reading and what they "underlined". I think annotating will make me a better writer because I will now look for key points. I think once I have those key points I will be able to develop my ideas.

I agree that Google is making us stupid because we are no longer thinking for ourselves. We don't even have to read through a whole article with the CTRL + F function. I personally don't even remember when the last time I used and encyclopedia was!?!?

What I got from annotating "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" was that I was able to pick things that I thought was important to me. One quote that I really like was "The fact is, you'll never think deeply if you're always Googling, texting, and surfing." I agree with this statement because I am a Blackberry junkie and my phone never leaves my side. Even when I am work I am constantly looking out for my flashing red notification light.

By exchanging annotations with my partner I was reassured that I was picking the correct key ideas. I think it was beneficial experience because I was able to meet other classmates and express common concerns.

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