Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog #6.

Tooth Fairy. I used to think that Tooth Fairy was real. One night after my tooth had fallen out I caught my mother taking my tooth with $5 in her hand. It was a terrifying experience because that meant that the tooth fairy didn’t exist. She tried to say that she was a messenger but i knew that it was all LIES!!!.

The STORK! – I used to think the stork was real. However, I always had questions. If the stork is real then what is the point of having sex?? What does it mean to be pregnant?? Why were women pregnant?? No one ever answered my questions. One day I saw a baby story and that cleared almost everything up!!

Magicians – I use to think that magicians were real. This is until I saw a special that broke down very popular magic tricks. It was a big show on FOX 5. I was so disappointed when I found out that the hand is quick than the eye.

Clowns – I used to think that clowns were a separate race of peopele who were very rare. I was at a bithday party and I walking in on the clown getting dressed in his costume and putting on make up in the mirror.

Cooties – I was told that if you kissed a boy you will get cooties. I always believed it until I kissed the opposite sex. I dont have cooties!!

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