Wednesday, May 11, 2011


In Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”, the author composed a list of tips to eating healthier. One of the author’s suggestions is “don’t eat anything that is incapable of rotting”. From this I automatically thought of an assignment recently done in class in which we watch an experiment done on McDonald’s french fries. In this experiment the french fries were put into a jar and after 10 weeks they didn’t even have mold on them. Michael Pollan’s advice makes a lot of sense to me and is something that I can put into full effect immediately!

Another piece of advice Pollan has was to “pay more, eat less”. Unfortunately this is not something that is reasonable for someone who is on a fixed income. When you break down to the cost a full home cooked meal and include the preparation and cleaning time it does not balance out to a quick heart $9 meal that usually has leftovers with no prep or cleaning time.

If possible I would have love to have my own garden. I think that gardening is a beneficial and relaxing hobby. It is beneficial because you can go into your own garden and get tomatoes with no pesticides that you grew yourself. I hope that one day in the future when I buy a house, that I would plant my own garden.

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