Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BLOG #13 - Revision of CAT-W

In “The Dangers of Reality TV” Timothy Sexton express his concern with what is called “Reality TV”. The author describes the change it what is called reality TV and how it has been manipulated. He describes that “Among the dangerous messages that reality TV sends out are the importance of competition, the value of image over ability, and the obsolescence of education”. Sexton mentions that people are not given a fair shot because of their skill anymore. Judgment is based on what is more marketable like on American Idol. I agree with Sexton that “reality” TV is stupid and not motivational.
I think that “Reality” TV is stupid because “reality” has become Jersey Shore & Desperate Housewives. The programming that is on TV now has become garbage. We have “reality” as housemate living together, washing laundry, tanning, and “smooshing”. What do we learn from that? NOTHING! This is truly stupidity at its finest. We sit around for one hour per week to see the “Snookie Bump”. When you break it down, its 42 minutes of programming and 18 minutes of advertising. At the end of it all we have learned nothing but how to “fist pump”.
I think reality TV has became very not motivational because it shows that we no longer win because we are the best at what we do, but that we are the best at making people think that we are. As Sexton mentions in the text mentions, there was many issues on the popular show American Idol. Contestants compete for their chance at a record deal. Towards the finally America is responsible for the voting and are able to choose the best qualified contestant to win. With the judges opinions the voters usually choose the most marketable contestant and that is qualified. But the qualifications aren’t only having a good voice, they require you to have what they call, the “X” factor. In my experience of pursuing my dancing career, I have known that it’s not just talent it is how you carry yourself. When I have been in many competitions I realized that I might be better at that dance and yet I came in second place because of my opponents better looks. Why would I want to succeed if at the end of the day no matter how great I am at dancing my better looking opponents will always win? Without saying I am no longer dancing!
In conclusion, I think that reality TV has made all of their viewers more superficial and naïve. The only easy to deal with this is to put the remote down and pick up a book. We need to get reacquainted with what “reality” really is now because as Sexton said “why go to school and gave the difficulties of learning something when ou van just get in Fear Factor, eat bugs, and walk away with a bucket of money?”

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