Monday, May 16, 2011

BLOG #22

Planned Obsolescence – Something that is built with only temporary use. This is something that is built and will force you to replace/upgrade it!Something that is made with the intention of not lasting long like water bottles and disposable cameras.

Perceived obsolescence- This is something that is made with good enough quality but is not the most modern design which makes it no longer good. The quality may still be great but the style is out dated. EX; TVs, Cell Phones, Cameras ect.

I think that corporations benefit from planned and perceived obsolescence because us as the consumer are always looking for where to spend our next hard earned dollar. From planned obsolescence the products will not last because they were made for temporary use and with perceived obsolescence it is no longer in style so people who care will buy newer products. I think that the only way that the consumer benefits is because with perceived obsolescence consumers are constantly offered the option to purchase the newest technology and depending on what you do this might be a big advantage. If you are a DJ and Apple iPOD has a new 500gig iPOD this will make work more convenient for you because you have lees to carry. Even though the consumer has to purchase this this will benefit him for the temporary use of the new product.

Everyone in the universe is suffering from planned and perceived obsolescence. The entire chain of producer to consumer is suffering and most commonly with their health. As Story of Stuff says . .working with toxens and releasing them . .From these harsh conditions people are forced to live with we are all suffering as a universe.

I do not believe that these strategies are necessary. However, we are not educated enough about these issues to make a change. In class we say a video similar to Story of Stuff and I was informed about the issues with water bottles. By making a change and either refilling my current water bottle or buying a canteen, I am able to minimize pollution not only in my home, but in the homes of others. I believe that if people cared more about their environment more they would make themselves more aware of the issues at hand and try to do what they can.

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