Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog #20

To me the Food Unit connects to Allegory of The Cave because we need to come out of “our cave” and see where the food we eat comes from. By educating ourselves we are able to make healthier eating choices. I think when we look at our regular diets – most of us think it’s not too bad. When we start dissected our daily meals, something as simple as breakfast, can be shocking. I normally have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, which I thought was healthy. In the Food Unit Dr. X showed us what is actually in our milk. I was so disgusted! How could something so simple as milk be so processed and have so many terrible things, like antibiotics added? Since that lesson, I have purchased nothing but organic milk. I haven’t even felt the difference in my pocket.

Another lesson we had Dr. X gave us a handout with tips on eating better from Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”. This handout provided tips that included my favorite – “Don’t eat anything incapable of rotting.” This was advice that I could use in my everyday life. It might be a slightly difficult change but I am confident that I will be happier with the results in my healthier lifestyle. It is so pathetic that there must be a defense for food. We have become a very lazy Fast Food nation and we have lost sight of the effects that these quick & cheap meal on our bodies.

I think that I have improved dramatically. I am really proud of all of my progress. When I first started this class and heard that I had to write a 400 word blog I started to panic. Now I am confident enough that small responses will make 400 words easily. Although I have not had a chance to work on my vocabulary page I think that Dr. X has gone over majority of the list. Most of them were not only defined but used in class and have become part of our normal vocabulary and usage. As of right now, I am not sure what more I need to move ahead. I’m sure that I have a lot more to learn. In CAT-W #3 I took a new approach and tried to focus on adding lots of personal experiences, quotes, and examples. I yet to see my grade, but from the e-mail Dr. X wrote me I think that I might have done better than before. By practicing my approaches I was able to see which one worked best for me and that corresponded with the test requirements. Hopefully 3rd times a charmer!

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