Monday, May 23, 2011


I think that blogs entries 5, 13, and 24 are really my best work. I feel that with those blogs I was able to connect and was really able to put what I felt into a very nicely structured blog. I feel with these blogs that I was comfortable enough to state what I felt and incorporate my life experiences into my writing. Also, with these blogs I was able to react to something new that I felt and I was very comfortable doing it.

Writing online had been a very new experience for me and was something very hard to get used to. I normally prefer writing everything down on paper and handing it in to the teacher. With this new experience, I had to not only adjust to doing things on the computer in class but also get used to everyone looking at my work. I think that writing blog entries helped my writing a little bit because I was able to structure my writing in a new form. Blog form. I don’t think that this helped my essay writing ability at all because in blog form I feel like I am more writing a journal entry. I do think this excersise has helped and especially noticable with my reflections. I think that when I am writing freely or staing my opinion I somehow find the words I once thought were lost. With that I was able to review and revise my work, which I think helped me improve a lot. Most of my learing in this class was from my revision. When I was able to look back on some of my work and say what was I thinking when I wrote that. By fixing my work I was able to really learn from my mistakes. I think that online work was a shared experience because we were able to look at each other blogs. I did read other students blogs on a regular basis especially their reflections because I was able to see what other students were struggling with and we were able to relate on that. I was also able to look at other students work and see what I liked or what I was able to incorporate into my own wring style. Yes, I do think that students in the class did read my blog. I have had several comments on my blogs and that made me happy. I appreciated that I wasn’t the only one that was peeking in on other peoples blog. This was a very successful learning experience and I definitely took a lot away from this class.

Overall, I think that I learned to write with a lot more confidence. I learned how to incorporate my opinio2n into my writing when it is appropriate to. Most importantly I have learned to come out of my cave. Finishing a full semester was hard but its done! I think that by “coming out of my cave” (my comfort zone) and sticking it out until the end I have changed for the better as a person. I don’t feel that there was anything that we didn’t get to get to. I would have preferred to have gotten feed back after each blog entry this way I could know what to do better for the next one as oppose to get feed back after every 4-10 blog entries. I feel this way because for me I learn from trial and error. I do feel very confident that I have a basic understanding of my writing strategies because I have learned to summarize and respond. I also think that I am ready for English 101. My most memorable assignment was the Allegory of the Cave. I think that this symbolic message will be something that I already have incorporated into my life and something that I will used in the future. I see myself telling people now - “Hey, come out of your cave already!” I would recommend that student that plans to take this class next semester to RUNNN!!!!! - im just joking! Dr. X (Chille Pepper) is very patient and understanding. She loves what she does and is always willing to help. You are very lucky that you have a professor like this. Take advantage of this and pay attention there is a lot to learn and she is willing to take the time out and teach it to you. As much effort as you put into this is as much as you are going to get out of it!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Heh, heh. You are only partly joking, but that is okay because this is a tough class in many respects, including the teacher.

    In terms of this reflection, I would have loved to read more details about your best work and what made it good. Check out Jennifer's blog to see what I mean.
