Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog #1

In the excerpt "Hype" from Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture the author describe how advertising is one thing you just cant get away from. It describes the "mental pollution" that we encounter on a daily basis. The excerpt mentions that there are ads every where we turn from city buses to gas nozzles. I definitely agree with that. There are ads everywhere! As I sit in front of the computer right now trying to decide what to type I take a look around. I see the DELL logo, Windows VISTA, and Intel ads right in frond of me. As I read the excerpt all I could think about was "Frank's RED HOT, I put that sh** on everything". We are being brain washed on a daily basis and most of us are not even conscious of it. Our minds are like sponges and we absorb everything like BOUNTY (the quilted quicker picker upper). We cant get away from ads no matter how hard we try. Anything with a catchy jingle or name and nicely advertised we are stuck to believe is the best. There is no way to avoid these advertisements.

From a marketing point of view, I can understand that companies are just trying to expose the consumer to their product. It is getting harder and harder to to get money from the consumer and companies are growing desperate. Companies are advertising by paying celebrities using and wear their product in hopes of being seen.


  1. Julie--I like how you included details of your own (Bounty, Frank's Red Hot) to respond to the details in the reading. The piece was also easy to read--good job with the grammar.

    My suggestions would have to do with focus and organization/coherence of ideas.

    Focus: "I agree with that," while an opinion, leaves the reader to interpret what "that" is. Consider taking time to make your point as clear and as concrete as possible because the rest of the paper depends on it.

    Organization/Coherence: the piece reads as if you wrote it from beginning to end in one go, without any planning, so that examples are somewhat jumbled with arguments and the last, short paragraph seems like an afterthought. Why not try a few minutes of collecting your thoughts and planning before you begin writing?

  2. P.S. To put the blogs back in order, go to Blog 2, open it by clicking the little pencil, click on "Post Options" at the bottom of the window, and under "Post date and time" select "Automatic." Publish the post and voila!
