Monday, May 16, 2011

BLOG #23

Blog 23: Expanding on one topic in Sleep Dealer
Choose ONE of the questions discussed in class (it does not have to be the one assigned to your group)read everyone's answers. Write Blog 23, discussing the topic of your choice. Try to incorporate the ideas from group members into your entry. Acknowledge who had the idea by using the following format: "As Y explains...."

In Sleep Dealers the movie Memo, a Mexican very interested in technology, dreams of living the American Dream. According to Elliot “his brother thought of this the American dream as being funny.” In the movie Memo's father has a very carefree feeling towards the American dream and seems very content doing what he is doing. On TV in Mexico, the dream is breathtaking. The war was broadcasted on TV and the fighter pilots had crowds cheering for them. According to Elliot Rudy's role as a drone “pilot” is “to kill off any threats of single that were pick up”. At the end of the film, as Jorge says, “Rudy’s role is to destroy the river dam and restore the river water to the villagers.”

1 comment:

  1. okay, but the ideas are more descriptive that thoughtful--what does it mean that there different versions of the American Dream? Is one version correct? How do you know?
