Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog #10

I think that in terms of writing skills I have learned many things in a very short period of time. I leaned about annotating, summarizing, thesis-based writing, and paragraphing. I was taught about these things before but I never cared enough to pay attention.

I feel that I have proven what I have learned was all the blog I have written. They may not be fabulous but they are mine!

The only material that still confuses me and that I am unclear of is annotating. I never liked it and I never felt comfortable doing it. I wind up feeling I have highlighted too much or too little. For me it is easier to read the questions, then read the paragraph, and finally read the questions again. It has been my method since I could remember and it has been working for me.

I feel a little bit more confident in my writing skills since we have started class. I know that we still have 18 classes to go and I know that in that time, I will look forward to growing and developing much more as a writer.

You should know that I really appreciate your patience. I really feel like you genuinely care for each student individually. You try to make writing as exciting as it can possibly be. You make me want to do better for myself!

Blog #9

• What have you learned from the paragraphing class?
• How do you know that you have learned it?
• Can you describe how you learned it?
• What helped your learning? What made it difficult?
• How do you feel after today's class?

Today in class I learned about paragraphing. This is something I am already somewhat familiar with. I know that I have learned it in the past because when I write I try to make paragraphs. I really did not learn anything new. After today’s class I feel like I have a better understanding of paragraphing. I feel like I have been refreshed with it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #8

In “I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” Jeffrey Kluger describes the ongoing battle in Manhattan over the proposed Islamic cultural center. He also describes a study done at Ohio State University which assistant Prof. Garret and assistant Prof. Nisbet recruited 750 people who were familiar with and believing at least one of the rumors about the Islamic cultural center. In the study conducted professors found that it was very easy to manipulate people’s beliefs with pictures hinting “inflammatory quotes”. The professors found that fewer than one third of the people were willing to change their opinion no matter what proof they were given. Many people in the US get their information from the media. The media is not always given the correct information and therefore they are not always able to provide the correct or true information. People take this information in and are able to develop their own biased opinions based on the information given. Kluger finishes his article by stating “We may not always agree on what facts mean, but at a minimum we need to agree that they mean more than fantasy." I agree with Kluger that people can easily change their minds because people are naive and scared.
People are naive in the sense that their opinion can be manipulated easily. The study done at Ohio State University proves that people are not ready for change or the consequences that they will have to deal with once that change has taken over. The Participants of the study were so stubborn that no matter what evidence was put in front of them less than 1/3 of the participants were willing to change their opinions. Normally, if someone shows you that their folder is purple and they take out their folder and its purple you usually tend to believe them and not question its purple-ness anymore.
People change their mind when they are scared because it is easier to go with the crowd and have their support and feel safe than against the crowd and be alone and vonurable. People enjoy having the support of others to make them feel stronger and that is why there are many followers and very few leaders. In the article more than 2/3rd of the participants of the study stayed with their beliefs and were oblivious to the proof that they saw right in front of them. In many situations I have dealt with the same situation and so have many of you reading this. There comes a point in time when we just want to fit in and be part of the crowd. That is when we start listening to a special genre of music, dressing differently, and even acting differently. Until we are finally comfortable with ourselves we will stop needed to feel the need to fit in. I felt empowered by being able to make my own decision and not be influenced by others.
In conclusion, people should learn to have an open mind. Not always are things as they seem and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Peoples opinions change and there is nothing wrong with that all. As people are given more information they are able to either agree or disagree with their previous/current opinion. We should all open our minds a little bit more and maybe, just maybe one day there will be no need for a battle in Manhattan.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog #7

Today in class we learned about thesis based writing. This is something that I am somewhat familiar with. Thesis based writing is something that I enjoy. Dr. X taught us the difference between a claim and an argument. A claim is an argument that you have to prove, and a thesis statement is a statement that includes your claim, topic, and a list of reasons. Although we do not have to write thesis based writing for the CAT, this is something that we will have to use in the near future in English 101. I enjoyed having a little peek of what awaits us in the future. I am glad that I will be more prepared for English 101. Although thesis based writing is something I am somewhat familiar with. I was very happy to be refeshed with it.

Blog #6.

Tooth Fairy. I used to think that Tooth Fairy was real. One night after my tooth had fallen out I caught my mother taking my tooth with $5 in her hand. It was a terrifying experience because that meant that the tooth fairy didn’t exist. She tried to say that she was a messenger but i knew that it was all LIES!!!.

The STORK! – I used to think the stork was real. However, I always had questions. If the stork is real then what is the point of having sex?? What does it mean to be pregnant?? Why were women pregnant?? No one ever answered my questions. One day I saw a baby story and that cleared almost everything up!!

Magicians – I use to think that magicians were real. This is until I saw a special that broke down very popular magic tricks. It was a big show on FOX 5. I was so disappointed when I found out that the hand is quick than the eye.

Clowns – I used to think that clowns were a separate race of peopele who were very rare. I was at a bithday party and I walking in on the clown getting dressed in his costume and putting on make up in the mirror.

Cooties – I was told that if you kissed a boy you will get cooties. I always believed it until I kissed the opposite sex. I dont have cooties!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog #5

In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain the importance of exploring your boundaries. Plato starts his piece by describing a conversation between Socrates and his student Glaucon. Socrates gives a very descriptive setting of men in a cave who are chained and have no way of turning their necks to look around all they can see is what is in front of them. Their only means of light is fire in front of them that reflects shadows on an overpass in front of them. There only means of communication is by observing what they see on the over pass above their head. One day one of the prisoners were released out of the cave, he was still sore from being chained, and the brightness of the outside world hurts his eyes. His eyes adjusted to the light and so he was able to see all things beautiful including the sun. The prisoner then starts thinking abot the "prison-house" mates and what their reaction would be if he told them what was out there. He comes to the conclusion that they would never understand what they have not experienced and that he would be punished for showing them such a thing. Plato finishes his story with Socrates explaining to Glaucon that this was not a real story but merely an allegory to teach him to open his eyes and be open to experience all different things in life.
What I interpreted from Plato was that this story symbolizes the reality that new experiences are not wrong they are just new. The prisoners in the story who are chained only know life this one way. And, like many people, our families expect us to continue in their foot steps and look "straight ahead". By coming to college it may not be a pleasant or easy experience but it is an experience. Like the prisoner, I have been exposed to all things beautiful. By being in school, I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and slowly "my eyes have adjusted" to world around me. I have been exposed to a different lifestyle and people that look and feel different. I dont want to go back to living life "in the cave". I know that by getting an education my family will think I am crazy but I must break this chain! As a MOTHER, I want whats best for my CHILD. I can not expect him to try and go outside of his comfort zone if I, myself will not.
Just like the in the story, when I tell my family about my experiences "outside" (in school) they think I am crazy. (Sometimes, I think I am too.) But we need to stop being scared of what is different and learn to embrace it like the prisoner. We, like the prisoner never knew that there was another side. Now that we do know, we have chance to explore it and all things beautiful. I have a chance to "look at the sun" - and my eyes ARE WIDE OPEN!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog #4

In the excerpt "Hype" by Kalle Lasn from Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture the author describes how advertising is one thing you just can’t get away from. It describes the "mental pollution" we encounter on a daily basis. In the beginning, the excerpt brings up that everyday there are more than 200,000 TV commercials being “dumped” into North America’s brains. The excerpt mentions that there are ads everywhere we turn from buses to gas nozzles. We are being brain washed on a daily basis and most of us are not even aware of it. Our minds are like sponges and we absorb everything like BOUNTY (the quilted quicker picker upper). We can’t get away from ads no matter how hard we try. Anything with a catchy jingle or name and nicely advertised we are stuck to believe is the best. There is no way to avoid these advertisements. The author finishes the piece by saying “There is nowhere to run. No one is exempt and no one will be spared”.
In the article Lasn describes advertising as something we just can’t get away from. We are being over exposeded to adveritising. As I sit in front of the computer right now trying to decide what to type I take a look around. I see the DELL logo, Windows VISTA, and Intel ads right in front of me. As I read the excerpt all I could think about was "Frank's RED HOT, I put that sh** on everything". People are being brainwashed by ads in a way that is so amazing! Even people who do not watch TV or listen to radio are still exposed to advertisements.
From a marketing point of view, I can understand that companies are just trying to expose the consumer to their product. The bigger the better! The best way they can do this now is to have a interactive video screen put on shopping carts so that you can see ads even while you shop. It is getting harder and harder to get money from the consumer and companies are growing desperate. The are willing to do whatever it takes for you to choose their products. But enough is enough!
I definitely agree with the author that there are ads everywhere. On a regular day North American’s are exposed to an estimated 3 million display ads. I think that is about 2,999,999 ads too many for the day. Our minds have grown to associate products with their ads. We see the golden arches and we know a McDonald's is close. We are no longer buying for the products for which is best, but for which is better known. Hopefully, one day soon there will be a way to filter and limit how much advertising we actually encounter on a regular basis. Until then, ads ads ads!

Blog #3

Today in class I learned about summarizing. What I took from summarizing was a very important formula that I will to use on the CAT test . . . In ["name of article"], [author] states/explains/expressed/disputes [state that main point of thr article]. This was a very helpful formula that I look forward to using.

I know that I learned this because I wrote it down in my note book and have been trying to use this in my writting. I think that this makes a great opening line. Dr. X was very helpful with her "yellow guide" and I was able to choose proper wording for what I needed to express and write.

Dr. X taught us about this "formula" on the blackboard. I then copied it down into my notebook and have been incorporating it into my summaries.

What helped me learn today was Dr. X teaching apporach. She has a very easy was of explaining herself and is willing to repeat heself if necessary. She is very helpful and patients which you don’t see in preofessors this day in age. She ever provided us with a yellow hand out refrence guide that is very helpful.

After todays class I feel like - "I can do this school thing!". I feel much more confident about writting a good summary and I feel much more prepared for the CAT test. I think that this new approach of writing a summary is not only a sure shot for passing my CAT test but this has also prepared me for ENG101.

Blue highlighting is from Dr. X - Class on 3/14/2011.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog #2

From this class I learned about annotations and how it will help me prepare for my CAT test. I learned that I can pick and choose key points that I would like to elaborate on and incorporate into my writing by highlighting and underlining. I also learned new techniques to annotate my work. I especially enjoyed when all the students were able to discuss what they thought and felt were important key points in the reading and what they "underlined". I think annotating will make me a better writer because I will now look for key points. I think once I have those key points I will be able to develop my ideas.

I agree that Google is making us stupid because we are no longer thinking for ourselves. We don't even have to read through a whole article with the CTRL + F function. I personally don't even remember when the last time I used and encyclopedia was!?!?

What I got from annotating "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" was that I was able to pick things that I thought was important to me. One quote that I really like was "The fact is, you'll never think deeply if you're always Googling, texting, and surfing." I agree with this statement because I am a Blackberry junkie and my phone never leaves my side. Even when I am work I am constantly looking out for my flashing red notification light.

By exchanging annotations with my partner I was reassured that I was picking the correct key ideas. I think it was beneficial experience because I was able to meet other classmates and express common concerns.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog #1

In the excerpt "Hype" from Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture the author describe how advertising is one thing you just cant get away from. It describes the "mental pollution" that we encounter on a daily basis. The excerpt mentions that there are ads every where we turn from city buses to gas nozzles. I definitely agree with that. There are ads everywhere! As I sit in front of the computer right now trying to decide what to type I take a look around. I see the DELL logo, Windows VISTA, and Intel ads right in frond of me. As I read the excerpt all I could think about was "Frank's RED HOT, I put that sh** on everything". We are being brain washed on a daily basis and most of us are not even conscious of it. Our minds are like sponges and we absorb everything like BOUNTY (the quilted quicker picker upper). We cant get away from ads no matter how hard we try. Anything with a catchy jingle or name and nicely advertised we are stuck to believe is the best. There is no way to avoid these advertisements.

From a marketing point of view, I can understand that companies are just trying to expose the consumer to their product. It is getting harder and harder to to get money from the consumer and companies are growing desperate. Companies are advertising by paying celebrities using and wear their product in hopes of being seen.